Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Poor Running but Keeping the Paleo

Although we've been on vacation I've still stuck to the paleo. I did accidently lick muffin off my finger and didn't realize it until I swallowed. Not too bad for my only bloop! So, for catching up...
THis past week did a few short runs with one day of 800m intervals. Then,

Sunday 9/27 attempted a 12 mile run but someone stole the water (in my camelback sippy!!!)I had planted next to the road so I had to run home to hydrate. Only made it 7 miles, drank a lot of water then rested at home for a bit. Finished the 5 miles a few hours later. Nasty run. Not feeling it. Allergies bothering me and just feeling ugh!

Monday 9/28 Front Squat 55x3, 65x3, 75x3, 85x3, 95x3, 105x1, 110x1, 115(f) knees bowed in too much

Tuesday 9/29 Isabel using 55# for snatch Time: 2:41 Next time I'll try 65#; 4 mile run/walk...still can't run for some reason

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