Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back Squat & Paleo 6

Back Squat: 5x90, 5x100, 7x110 (last week I failed on 6 & this week I failed on 8 so there's been some improvement)
3x15 KBS 16kg, 3x15 Back Ext, 2x20 Double-Unders

Paleo Day 6 Weight: 132.5 Body Fat: 22ish% (my scale said 23, online measuring test said 21 & Jen's scale said 21)
Took a short nap today while the girls napped this afternoon. I tried to eat eggs for breakfast, but I threw half my breakfast away. I'm just sick of eggs & there's only so many ways to prepare them. When it comes to food, I don't like being a creature of habit. Riley can eat the same foods over and over each day, every day. I like to repeat a couple times a month at most. Needless to say, I need to get a little more creative in the kitchen. I need some creative sauces to spice up plain meats & salads. And I've got to hunt down some new breakfast foods. Any ideas?


Jen said...

you'll have to remind me what you can and can't have...maybe i can come up with something. last night trey and i had a pretty good meal that we made up of chicken, onions, green chilis and tomatoes saute'd then mixed it with black beans. pretty yummy! and completely zone friendly...haha! i'm with you about repeating what i eat which is why i'm not a huge fan of leftovers. trey can mix whatever together and eat it. good luck! :)

Natalie said...

Michelle again you and jesse are alike i can eat the same everyday and look forward to it, i dont like change too much when it comes to food but i have been wanting to experiment more this time, just gonna need to cook allot one day, today i had chicken stir fry lots of garlic with this other vegtable i cant describe i tried to tell jen what it was lol ill have to take a pic of it. I gotta say i feel really alert and awake and ive been sleeping like a rock.