Sunday, September 13, 2009

Long Run Pose/ Paleo Day 4

Went for my long run this morning: 10 miles at 10 min pace. Was not feeling it today & didn't feel like going. It wasn't a bad run but I wasn't feeling strong either. I knew I didn't have the energy to tackle hills today so I ran to BP and back a couple times. I was a little nauseous from hunger around mile 8 and then I ate an apple, 1/2 a peach, and strawberries when I got home. I was able to pose the entire run except the downhill on the last half mile.
Day 4 on Paleo AM weight 134. Although I've been hungry all day nothing I'm allowed to eat has sounded good to me. I made myself eat a tuna salad for lunch & tilapia with steamed veggies for dinner. The food was my fuel and I feel good & strong when I eat those foods. My legs don't swell & I don't get sugar headaches but I don't necessarily enjoy eating either. Today was a day that I wanted a piece of bread or a bowl of cereal. I had a feeling I would crave carbs after my long run so I was prepared for these struggles.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Just know you aren't alone...I'm not enjoying eating either. I just do it for nourishment. I actually got nauseous tonight at dinner while I was eating because I had to force the food down. :(