Monday, March 28, 2011

Friday: 21-15-9 DL (135#) & OHS (42#) DL felt heavy & OHS felt light, but go figure, my traps were sore the next day!
Saturday: Rest Day
Sunday: 27 min run. My goal was to last 30 minutes. I started out at a comfortable warm-up pace (10:10) for 5 minutes. Then, every 3 minutes I increased 3 clicks on the treadmill. I had my pace covered so I wouldn't psyche myself out. I ended up jumping off the treadmill in exhaustion at 27 minutes. Pace was 7:10, which I could only hold for 1 minute. I think that's my old pr for 1 mile but it felt great to give it my all. Gonna try another of these 30 minute runs on Tuesday.
1 hr bodypump
Monday: CF: 50 KBS (16kg), 50 BS (62#), 50PC (62#). Didn't time myself. I could do the BS's unbroken but everything else was in sets of 10's.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fun Fashion Link

I have been working out, just haven't been posting...again! I am happy to announce that I've reached 134 in the mornings. My goal since Isaac has been to reach 135 and I've done it! Very thrilled! On a different note, and my motivation for posting, this is very fun website that I found tonight. It posts a fun, fashionable ...not a WOD...but a CF outfit for the day that you can purchase. I love it! Haven't checked pricing yet, but I think the idea is fabulous!

Finally, I've lost track of my workouts, so I'll just post yesterday & today:
today: 8 mile run. Painfully slow finished at 1:22. My right calf and achilles hurt at first step and it was cold and windy. Blah!
yesterday: hr core class in am/ pm deadlift x5: 95,115,135,145,165

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thursday: pilyo class, pull-ups. With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. I made it 9 rounds with jumping pull-ups
Friday: body pump, yoga
Saturday: 8 mile run
Sunday: rest day

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Saturday: rest day
Sunday: shoulder work at home- sp, pp, pj
Monday: ran 6 miles in vibrams (1m warm & 1 mile cool down, 4 miles@ 8:34pace)
Tuesday: ran 3 miles (940ish pace); 5 rounds of f15 ront squat & 20 double unders
Wednesday: core class; AMRAP in 12 in of 5 elevated push-ups & 5 BS (95#) 9 rounds

Friday, March 4, 2011

Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
43 pound Squat snatch, 15 reps
9 push-ups

Thursday, March 3, 2011

yesterday: core class
today: 10 mile run. Goal was to stay under a 10 min pace. I did it...finished in 1:37 & that was with 2 pee breaks and a phone call

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Paleo Day 1 & recipes

Committing to strict Paleo for the month of March. The good thing is, I can still cook and bake and have special treats because there's so many more fabulous recipes out there as more and more people are following the Paleo lifestyle. Here are a couple of some of my latest favs:
Breakfast Cookies...just watch out. I ate too many at one sitting and the fiber got my gut rolling!
Gluten Free Carrot Banana Muffins...note that a key ingredient in these is apple cider vinegar. My mother-in-law (who follows the Body Ecology way of eating) first introduced me to Bragg organic Apple Cider Vinegar with 'the mother' a few years ago. A nifty tip is if you add a bit of this to your water and drink it, it almost tastes like lemon water (minus the stinky vinegar smell) and it cuts sugar cravings.
Breakfast Sausage Patties
Dry Rub Burgers

Day 1: 138.5
Ahhh I'm lagging behind in my posts again. I think I can remember back...
Today: Fran, 21-15-9 thrusters, pull-ups. I did 65# thrusters and jumping pull-ups. Finished in roughly 14 minutes
Monday: Ran 5.5 miles total 3x1600 intervals at 8:06 pace. Ran the first 3.5 miles in Vibrams then finished the last 2 miles in my Asics b/c my feet and calves were throbbing.
Sunday: Body pump
Saturday: 1 mile run to test out vibrams
Friday: DL x3 95, 115, 135, 155, 165
Thursday: pilyo class; 4 mile run 10:00 pace, increased in end