Friday, July 25, 2008

So Many New Faces

I've been so impressed by the number of new people at the gym in the last few days...It's great & Dymphna's handling the numbers well. I'm proud of Sally, Jen, Ashley, & Kristin's sister all for giving it a go for their second back-to-back day & excelling! Today was my 5th day (I was experimenting with 5 days on & 2 days off this week) & I'm starting to feel a little fatigued. My quads feel pretty heavy after all the squats I've been doing & I'm seeing noticable changes in my abs. That's always a perk!

Today I did WOD with my new friend, Sally:
In honor of "Jeremy"
Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Overhead squats

My time: 6:07 using 22# for squats.

I probably should have done more weight on the squats & tried to have better form on the burpees. Next time, right? I really enjoyed doing the routine with Sally b/c we both are strong cardiovascularly so she was a great push for me. Well done, girl!


Natalie said...


D. Frazier said...

Michelle you looked great today, but you are correct more weight. I want you to try to max out soon on your OHS so we can find out where you are. Your strength is going through the roof lately! I wouldn't be able to handle all the new people with out you guys pitching in...

Kristin said...

I love that picture. All you Moms are so awesome!