Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rest Day

Rest Day...I may still work out tonight and try 5 days in a row...two days off. We'll see! I'm back & I did work out. I tried out the "other" CrossFit gym. Feel free to pick my brain about my thoughts. Anywhoooo, I did back squats 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. My weights were 45, 55, 65, 75, 85. My knees were caving at the end so that was pretty tough. I still had lots of energy (I think b/c I cheated on my Anabolic Diet routine & had extra carbs today) so I ran 4 miles tonight with the girls. It took me 39:19, so I feel like I'm starting to get my running mojo back a bit. At this point, I'm thrilled when I can run under a 10 min pace with the girls.

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