Friday, April 17, 2009

Long Run

Today was my last long run before the race and it was killing me! I thought it would be easy, since i've been training for a couople of months now. I wanted to go all out for 90 min, set my Garmin but not look at it, and see how far I could make it simply listening to my body. Yeah, it was a beautiful day and I got a nice tan, but the run smoked me! I forgot to set my Garmin but I know roughly where my 5 mile turn-around mark is and I didn't hit it at my halfway mark...and I wasn't even close. All that said, my goal pace for this race is 8:40 and I don't think I even held a 9 today. Maybe I started out too fast? Maybe I'm not getting enough rest or enough good nutrition? Who knows but I'm a little scared now that I'm not going to make my under 2 hour goal. A little fear is good, though, b/c I'm going to sprint-it-up until Wed and then REST. All that said, I'm definitely using my Garmin on race day!

1 comment:

KToth said...

Fear is fine, as long as it doesn't consume you.
Definitely take your Garmin, but maybe figure out a couple of your splits (goal times for several different points on the course- maybe halfway and at 10 miles). Because I forgot to do that and just looked at my overall pace and when I finished my last half it said I had an average pace of 7:58 or something because it registered me running 13.35 miles... Because of my zigzagging along the route. But as long as you are within 10 seconds of your goal pace, you'll be fine.
I know you are going to beat your goal. You will do great.
Make sure you eat well this next week. And put your feet up! Be confident race day. I will be praying for you.