Sunday, August 23, 2009

Role-Playing CrossFit

The other day I heard Ellie asking her Dad if they could play CrossFit. It was hilarious. Ellie was bossing Saedi around about how to do a back squat & telling Riley to be Mr Rick. She wanted to be Dymphna & Saedi was re-named Julia. Here's a little reenactment of their dramatization.


KToth said...

I love this. So cute.
And I just want to point out how low Saed goes on her squats. She could show us all up for sure.
Kevin has been practicing to be able to sit like the Iraqis. The boys think it's funny and they just pop a squat next to him and wonder why he's struggling.

D. Frazier said...

That is the funniest thing... Rick and I were both laughing when we saw it. Elles OHS is looking good she must take after her momma.