Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back Squat Bummer

I'm trying to take full advantage of a husband who loves to be with his kids. So, early this morning Riley & I took turns with the kids so we could do some sprints. We each did yesterday's
CrossFit Endurance WOD:
Tabata Protocol 20:10 (that is 20 seconds all out running, 10 seconds total rest) x 8 & then we added in our own 8 min ab routine at the end. After a half-hour break, I headed to the gym to do the CrossFit WOD: Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
While I stink at squats to begin with, I was not expecting to be hurting so much. I'm embarrased to post my loads, but I keep telling myself that this blog is about my physical journey- the highs & the lows. So, today I had a low day & I'll move on. My loads were as follows: 90,95,105,105(f on 3rd), 95


Anonymous said...

I wouldnt beat yourself up about it too much Michelle... squatting after anything tabata isnt really going to be the easiest! The point is that you did the workout and any reps are ultimately going to help you, no matter the weight. Just means when you are well rested next time you can go for higher numbers! You are making great progress! Keep up the great work!

D. Frazier said...

We all have bad days when it comes to the weights. See you tomorrow!

Jen said...

girl, what are you being so hard on yourself for?! i wouldn't have been able to squat anything after a workout like that...:) you look great! and you always have great form.