Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Do I Really Have to Post Today?

my yummy lunch from yesterday

This morning I did yesterday's CFE at they Y on the treadmill:
All sports do: 20:10 x 8 rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, all out efforts!
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed! I ran at about an 8:20 pace and was thankful the workout was short.
This afternoon I went to CF gym and it was packed! I did the WOD:
Deadlift: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 and was sucking. I'm embarrased to post, but here it goes:
135,155,165,170,175,180,185(f) My old pr is 205 so I wasn't even close. It just felt heavy, dizzyingly heavy. Oh well. Did DL 3x5 at 135# to get stronger.
AND, since I'm an emotional eater, I went home and ate a Snickerdoodle...or two, three, four...really? C'mon!
Here's my nutrition for today:
Calories: 2058
Fat: 37%, 87g...darn cookies! I was doing so well, too!
Carb: 42%, 225 g
Protein: 21%, 108g

1 comment:

KToth said...

Hey, I had a snickerdoodle night three or four days into my starting the diet, too! I "had" to make them for our new neighbors and since it was new recipe, I "had" to try them out, and one won't do. Had to try the dough out, then several from different batches. Just jump back on the wagon tomorrow. Don't worry about it. One thing ol' Dr. Sears says is that it only takes one Zone-meal to get back in the Zone. That encourages me to keep going after I mess up.
Btw, you deadlifted 180# more than I did today. :)