Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fight Gone Bad

I've been terrible about blogging lately...it's been almost a week! I'm still working through the strength phase and I've been happy about the results. My dead lift has jumped up the most...a 190 pr compared to the 170's. I've also been doing most of the CrossFit Endurance workouts...some running and some rowing and I'm thrilled to announce that even though I'm only running about twice a week I'm not getting slower. I'm gaining speed on my rowing as well. I feel refreshed to be making gains again...both in strength and cardio. Today I did Fight Gone Bad and I went up about 15 points as well to a new pr of 258. My shoulders are sore already...but it felt good to do a hard cardio workout today.

1 comment:

D. Frazier said...

Nice push today Michelle!