Hi, I'm Michelle and I'm addicted to sugar.
I haven't felt well all day. Saedi had me up a couple times last night and I'm battling a dry, itchy throat. But...to top it all off I've come to the conclusion that I'm a sugar-holic. It's true. Sometimes I wonder why I'm grouchy and feel like crap. Sure, I can put the blame on other sources, but consistently my demon is the same- a poor diet. In fact, already today I ate a couple lemon bars, a chocolate chip cookie (amazing it was only one), a couple chocolate with caramel filling, and an oatmeal-raisin cookie plus some dough. C'mon! What is my deal? I can't even believe I have that much crap in my house! And protein...protein...where are thee protein?
Yes, you all say I'm self-motivated. I have drive. I have a strong will. I can push myself. I know those attributes about myself, but I also know I have a nasty addiction to the sweet stuff. I need accountability. Anyone wanna accept my invitation to be my accountability partner? Help me set goals? Ask me daily? Get honest with me when I need it?
SP: 50,55,60,65,70(f),67(f)
PP(x3): 55,60,65,70,75(2)
PJ(x5): 45,55,65,70,75(3)
CFE on C2: 3 x 1k repeats not deviating more then 10 seconds. 2 min recoveries. 4:43 pace for 1k