Thursday, June 11, 2009


So, I've been trying to follow this strict diet called the Body Ecology Diet, and it focueses a lot on the importance of fermented foods, soaking grains & nuts, etc, and eating a ton of veggies and some protein. Thought this coincided well with yesterday's CFE article called, "The real truth about those healthy whole-grains." I don't know how to link it directly to my blog but it's an article worth checking out...fermentation is the key!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Not too bad! taste like my good ol homecooking lol maybe thats why i got a pig's stomach, i need to start feeding my kids this stuff, when i was young I remember eating allot of raw meat ( steak tartar) dishes and to this day i still love it, when Jesse goes to Canada with me and my mom makes a meal he cant stomach allot of things. I think this will really make a difference for you. I defenitly couldnt do it. But Glad your stiking to it.