Monday, December 1, 2008

6 Months of CrossFit

WOW! looking back 6 months to the pictures I took when I started Crossfit made me scream...literally! I can't believe how much my body has changed. I'm down to my goal weight (which was my pre-Saedi weight)of 130# (first thing in the morning) and I've put on a lot more muscle. Although this isn't the lightest I've ever been I can tell this is the healthiest I've ever been. I feel strong and toned and I have energy. I'm now a CrossFit addict.
Here's me just starting CrossFit June 1,2008:

After 3 Months of CrossFit Sept 1, 2008

After 6 Months of CrossFit Dec 1, 2008:

(BTW, I KNOW that bathing suit is NOT flattering on me (Dymphna) BUT to be consistent I will continue using it for my picture progress. Just ask Jen & Nat, who can vouch for me that they've never seen me wear it in public) :)


Jen said...

oh my goodness, skinny minny! you look awesome! look at those abs. i'm so proud of you, micelle. the next time i hear you say something negative about your body i'm going to slap you upside the head...i'm just giving you fair warning now! ;) lol! you are one hot mama! by the way, did you see how awesome your legs look?! :)

Natalie said...


D. Frazier said...

Pretty crazy Michelle you should be proud of yourself you have put a lot of hard work into that body! And in the 3rd picture I don't think it matters what bathing suit you're wearing no flattering needed!

Kristin said...

Hot Mama! Congratulations on the hot bod.

KToth said...

Woweewee. That is amazing progression. Seriously, you could easily convert a non-believer into CrossFit... And you are looking great. All that nay-saying about your legs and hating your sugar intake, and you still got to your goal weight and you look amazing. GREAT job.
Can I just point out that you are smiling in the first picture, smirking in the second. Then you have no head in the last one. You should be GRINNING and proud of your hard-earned bod.:)

...Yvonne said...

wow Michelle, you look great!!!! so impressive