Saturday, October 9, 2010


Well, I've definitely fallen out of the Paleo groove. Oh well. After my 6 week check up with little progress in the weight department I got into a fit of a funk and haven't truly dug myself out yet. Just gonna try to cut out breads, sweets, and minimize dairy. That's just gonna have to be good enough for now. I've lost track with my workout cause I've been lazy about blogging, but week 2 of strength cycle and I've already seen improvements.
DL got up to 3x155 instead of x2 like last week
SP 3xmax with 45# got up to 12 this week
BS did 4x10 at 65# instead of 3 rounds

I've been running as much as possible. Last week ran 4 miles in 42 min on the dot
This week ran 5.25 miles in an hour. So, slower but farther. I've been trying to add pilates 2-3 times a week. Today I went hiking at Dunbar with Isaac. I hiked the longer trail twice and it took a little over an hour. Funny, though, because another young gal with her 9 day old baby in the bjorn PASSED ME. I told her I was going to try to keep up! Didn't happen. This chic was only 9 days post-par tum!

I made a yummy dinner tonight from everydaypaleo...sausage, shrimp, zucchini, peppers, and eggplant in coconut milk. Delicious!

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