Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fun Fashion Link

I have been working out, just haven't been posting...again! I am happy to announce that I've reached 134 in the mornings. My goal since Isaac has been to reach 135 and I've done it! Very thrilled! On a different note, and my motivation for posting, this is very fun website that I found tonight. It posts a fun, fashionable ...not a WOD...but a CF outfit for the day that you can purchase. I love it! Haven't checked pricing yet, but I think the idea is fabulous!

Finally, I've lost track of my workouts, so I'll just post yesterday & today:
today: 8 mile run. Painfully slow finished at 1:22. My right calf and achilles hurt at first step and it was cold and windy. Blah!
yesterday: hr core class in am/ pm deadlift x5: 95,115,135,145,165

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