It's May 1st-- made some new goals for this month...spiritual, personal, physical, etc. I'm committing to crossfitting 4-5 days a week, running speed work twice a week, eating Paleo with 1 dessert cheat once a week (not 7 brownies at one sitting- but 1 brownie :). Only listening to Christian music for the next 30 days as well while memorizing 2 verses a week. Why strengthen a body that will only fade without renewing my mind? Trusting God to renew my mind & strengthen my whole self for his glory.
Yesterday pm:
400m warm up, 4x400m sprints, 400m cool down in 5 Fingers w/ Lindsay
Short rest then 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of Bodyweight DL (135#) & pull-ups (kips)
Today pm:
AMRAP in 12min of:
2 Front Squats from ground (started at 95#, dropped to 85# after 1 round b/c of failing)
4 pushups
6 lateral jumps over bar
8 toes to bar
10 box jumps
Completed 4 rounds