Early morning:
I did yesterday's WOD: Elizabeth with 80# for cleans, negatives for dips, and really bad form- Time: 5:27. I consider this a new pr b/c last time I did this WO in mid-Oct my time was faster (4:40) but I only used 70#. So, I was able to go up by 10 lbs AND was only 50 sec slower.
Late morning:
CFE: Run: 4x(100m + 200m+ 400m)
Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. EX. 100m run in 15 sec. rest 15 sec then 200m run, rest 200m time, run 400m, rest 400m time, run 100m, etc. I didn't keep track of my times, and I wasn't going all-out b/c I was running around the dinky track at the Y, which is 1/16 of a mile. Funny story, though- b/c my math skills suck I was actually running 400x800x1mile for almost a complete round until I realized this WO was taking waaaaay to long. I had originally thought that 16laps equalled one lap around the track. What was I thinking??? Sounds like I pulled a JR. :)
7 years ago
There you go, girl! You totally bested me 2 whole minutes. I was like 20% slower! See, I think this friendly competition is good, because it helps me to know if I was sandbagging. Which, if you did it two whole minutes faster, then I must have had too many rests. Way to go, strong woman.
thanks for the compliment, Kristen...you're crazy!
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