Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Strength Phase: Day 1

Today was Day 1 of the strength phase and I'm sore already:

Pull-ups 5-5-5
12 Kg KBS
15 22# OHS

Rack Pulls 7x3x175#
HPC: x3 45,50,55,60,65,70,75
Shrugg: x3 95,105,115,125,135,145,155

Pull-ups 5-5
Push-ups: 13-10-10

I'm proud of myself for doing an entire strength workout. I think this is a first for me...even though Nat has been wanting me to do a strength workout since I met her over 2 years ago. Dymphna was patient and encouraging and I feel great with how I did. It wasn't easy, but I didn't hate it either. I guess I even kind of liked it.

Came back this afternoon and rowed 8k...took me 40 min and I felt like my form has improved a lot in the past few weeks.


D. Frazier said...

Nice job today I'm looking forward to seeing how much strength you gain during this cycle. Tomorrow won't be as hard at least not physically.

Jen said...

so how long does this strength cycle last? cause i'm going to get bored doing the wod by myself...lol! :) i'm glad you enjoyed it...especially since i know you said you didn't like lifting.

Natalie said...

was pretty impressed ith your form today women.

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle, I am really excited to see how much strength you gain during this strength cycle! Make sure you stick with it. I think the only reason I stick with lifting is because its something I feel like I am good at. Sometimes though its purely mental with me and I think that is something that you have to work through too. You have great form on all your lifts but I see that when it starts to get heavy you become uncomfortable and unsure. As long as you have the mechanics of the lift down the strength will come. I think this strength cycle will help you because you will get a chance to feel what it feels like to lift the heavy weights like in the rack pulls etc. I think that will ultimately build your confidence so you realize that you CAN lift more and your body is perfectly capable you just have to raise that comfort level! Another suggestion is to maybe take a rest day and practice dumping the weight safely for all the major lifts you are going to do. Just load the bar with something light like 55 or 65# and work on dumping it. That will help your confidence too I think. Just keep up the good work! Ask Dymphna or Nat for my number and I will come in early one Saturday and I will lift with you :)