Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bad Knee

Friday 081017
WOD: "Cindy"
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Completed 12 rounds

Ran 10 miles today, but I was pretty discouraged that at 7 miles my right knee started giving out on me...out of nowhere...and I was even wearing my itb band. This hasn't happened in two years so I'm bummed about that. I think I'm gonna lay off any running for a week, and maybe two, and row instead.


Jen said...

Sorry to hear about the knee! I hope you enjoyed your free day. By the way, the lasagna was scrumptious! I want the recipe (as long as it is! ;)

KToth said...

Sad to hear about your knee. Is it feeling any better? Surely some time off will give it some relief. Do you stretch at all? I'm not a big strecher, but I don't know. Maybe it could help? I hate running injuries. So hard to stay away. Good idea with the rowing, though. I'm jealous that the CF gym is so close to your house. :)